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Anderson Hollow Archaeological District
(Address Restricted)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Brownsburg Historic District
(Including the entire village extending .5 mi. along Rte. 252)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg)
Buffalo Forge (081-0003)
(2694 Forge Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow vicinity)
Cedar Hill
(VA 608 E side, 2.25 mi. S of jct. with US 60)
Rockbridge County, VA (Buena Vista vicinity)
Cedar Hill Church and Cemeteries
(Cedar Hill Church Rd. and Kygers Hill Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Church Hill
(6.5 mi. NE of Lexington off U.S.11 at I-64)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
(VA 631 N side, 2000 ft. E of jct. with US 11)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Echols Farm
(Jct. of VA 130 and 501)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow vicinity)
Falling Spring Presbyterian Church Manse
(650 Falling Spring Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow)
Fancy Hill
(Jct. of US 11 and VA 680)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow vicinity)
Glasgow Historic District
(Bounded by Seventh, Tenth, Gordon and Powahtan Sts.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow)
Glasgow Historic District (Boundary Increase)
(900 Blks of Fizlee St. and Rockbridge Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow)
Glen Maury
(W of Buena Vista)
Rockbridge County, VA (Buena Vista vicinity)
Goshen Bridge (HAER VA-102)
(Spanning Calfpasture River at State Route 746)
Rockbridge County, VA (Goshen vicinity)
Goshen Land Company Bridge
(E of Goshen on VA 746)
Rockbridge County, VA (Goshen vicinity)
Hamilton Schoolhouse
(VA 611, S. Buffalo Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Hays Creek Mill
(VA 724, 0.1 mi. N of jct. with VA 726)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg vicinity)
Hickory Hill
(197 Hickory Hill Ln.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow)
J. H. C. Mann Bridge (HAER VA-36)
(Spanning Maury River on State Route 631)
Rockbridge County, VA (East Lexington vicinity)
Kennedy--Lunsford Farm
(Approximately .5 mi. S of VA 606, near jct. with VA 604)
Rockbridge County, VA (Raphine)
Kennedy--Lunsford Farm (Boundary Increase)
(1194 Raphine Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Raphine vicinity)
Kennedy-Wade Mill
(2.3 mi. NE of Brownsburg on VA 606)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg vicinity)
Kennedy--Wade's Mill Historic District (Boundary Increase)
(VA 606 (Raphine Rd.), 2000 ft. NE of jct. with VA 721)
Rockbridge County, VA (Raphine)
Level Loop
(VA 724 1 mi. W of Brownsburg and 0.5 mi. E of McClung's Mill)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg vicinity)
Liberty Hall Site
(Address Restricted)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Locust Hill
(VA 608)
Rockbridge County, VA (Mechanicsville vicinity)
Lylburn Downing School
(300 Diamond St.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington)
Mackey, William, House
(VA 716, .5 mi SE of jct. with US 11)
Rockbridge County, VA (Cornwall vicinity)
Maple Hall
(Jct. of US 11 and I-81 and I-64)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
(4973 Forge Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Glasgow vicinity)
McCormick, Cyrus, Farm and Workshop
(S of Staunton on U.S. 11 and CR 606 at Walnut Grove)
Rockbridge County, VA (Steele's Tavern vicinity)
Moore, John, House
(183 Big Hill Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Mountain View Farm
(199 Fredericksburg Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington)
Mulberry Grove
(VA 724 S side, 5000 ft. SE of jct. with VA 252)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg vicinity)
Natural Bridge
(Jct. of VA 11 and VA 130)
Rockbridge County, VA (Natural Bridge vicinity)
New Providence Presbyterian Church
(NE of Brownsburg)
Rockbridge County, VA (Brownsburg vicinity)
Oak Spring Farm
(VA 706 at jct. with US 11)
Rockbridge County, VA (Fairfield vicinity)
Poague, Margaret E., House
(4907 S. Lee Hwy (US 11))
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington)
Rockbridge Alum Springs Historic District
(Address Restricted)
Rockbridge County, VA (California vicinity)
Rockbridge Inn
(Valley Rd., N side, at jct. with VA 743)
Rockbridge County, VA (Natural Bridge vicinity)
(70 Gilmore Ln.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington)
Stone House
(W of Lexington on Ross Rd.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
(160 Kendal Dr.)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Tankersley Tavern
(VA 631)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Thorn Hill
(SW of Lexington off VA 251)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church
(SW of jct. of Rtes. 11 and 716)
Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington vicinity)
Vine Forest
(US 11, 2 mi. W of Natural Bridge)
Rockbridge County, VA (Natural Bridge vicinity)
Virginia Manor
(VA 130)
Rockbridge County, VA (Natural Bridge vicinity)