Project |
Type |
Location |
Ashland (HABS NC-25)
(Harvey Point)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Bateman House (HABS NC-43)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
(NC 37, W of Perquimans River)
Perquimans County, NC (Belvidere)
Belvidere Historic District
(Roughly bounded by the Perquinmans R., NC 37, NC 1200, and NC 1213)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Cedar Vale (HABS NC-49)
(State Route 1339)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Church of the Holy Trinity
(207 S. Church St.)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford)
Cove Grove
(E of Hertford near SR 1301 and 1302)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Cove Grove (HABS NC-40)
(State Route 1301)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Davenport House (HABS NC-78)
(State Route 1336)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
David Newby House (HABS NC-41)
(State Route 1336 (moved from State Route 1300))
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope vicinity)
Davis House (HABS NC-85)
(State Route 1300)
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope vicinity)
Exum Newby House (HABS NC-38)
(NC Route 37)
Perquimans County, NC (Winfall vicinity)
Fletcher--Skinner--Nixon House and Outbuildings
(NC 1301 NE side, 0.45 mi. SE of jct. with NC 1300)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Hertford Historic District
(Roughly bounded by Perquimans R., W. Academy St., Hyde St., and Dobbs St.)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford)
Jacocks, Jonathan Hill, House
(Jct. of New Hope Rd. and Jacocks Ln.)
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope Township vicinity)
James Harrell House (HABS NC-253)
(State Route 1347)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Land's End
(SE of Hertford near jct. of SR 1300 and 1324)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Leigh House (HABS NC-18)
(State Route 1300)
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope vicinity)
Mitchell--Ward House
(Jct. NC 1119 and NC 1002)
Perquimans County, NC (Belvidere vicinity)
Myers House (HABS NC-22)
(State Route 1347)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Myers-White House
(NE of Bethel on SR 1347)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Newbold-White House
(SE of Hertford off SR 1336)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Nixon House (HABS NC-126)
(State Route 1341)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Nixon, Samuel, House
(NW of Hertford on SR 1121)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Old Neck Historic District
(Roughly bounded by US 17, NC 1302, NC 1300, Suttons Cr., andthe Perquimans River)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Pender House (HABS NC-99)
(State Route 1339)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Perquimans County Courthouse
(Market St.)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford)
Perry House (HABS NC-133)
(State Route 1300)
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope vicinity)
Riverside (HABS NC-308)
(State Route 1301)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Road Landing (HABS NC-86)
(State Routes 1340 & 1339)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Skinner House (HABS NC-55)
(State Route 1301)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
(S of Woodville)
Perquimans County, NC (Woodville vicinity)
Stockton (HABS NC-83)
(State Route 1329)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Sumner House (HABS NC-63)
(State Route 1300)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Sutton-Newby House
(E of Hertford)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Theophilous White House (HABS NC-254)
(State Route 1336)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Thomas White House (HABS NC-127)
(State Route 1339)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
Whedbee House (HABS NC-39)
(State Route 1316)
Perquimans County, NC (New Hope vicinity)
White, Isaac, House
(NE of Bethel on SR 1339)
Perquimans County, NC (Bethel vicinity)
White-Newbold House (HABS NC-75)
(State Route 1336)
Perquimans County, NC (Hertford vicinity)
Winfall Historic District
(Roughly along Main St. and Wiggins Rd.)
Perquimans County, NC (Winfall)